The following lists the recent preprints posted on EGUsphere with GChron-related topics, the recent preprints posted in GChron’s discussion forum, as well as final revised papers published recently in GChron.
29 Aug 2024
The virtual spot approach: a simple method for image U-Pb carbonate geochronology by high-repetition rate LA-ICP-MS
Guilhem Hoareau, Fanny Claverie, Christophe Pecheyran, Gaëlle Barbotin, Michael Perk, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Brice Lacroix, and E. Troy Rasbury
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
28 Aug 2024
Global analysis of in situ cosmogenic 26Al/10Be ratios in fluvial sediments indicates widespread sediment storage and burial during transport
Christopher Halsted, Paul Bierman, Alexandru Codilean, Lee Corbett, and Marc Caffee
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
22 Aug 2024
Measuring varve thickness using µCT: a comparison with thin section
Marie-Eugénie Meusseunan Pascale Jamba, Pierre Francus, Antoine Gagnon-Poiré, and Guillaume St-Onge
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
22 Aug 2024
A direct comparison of single grain and multi-grain aliquot luminescence dating of feldspars from colluvial deposits in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Svenja Riedesel, Guillaume Guérin, Kristina J. Thomsen, Mariana Sontag-González, Matthias Blessing, Greg A. Botha, Max Hellers, Gunther Möller, Andreas Peffeköver, Christian Sommer, Anja Zander, and Manuel Will
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
15 Aug 2024
Production rate calibration for cosmogenic 10Be in pyroxene by applying a rapid fusion method to 10Be-saturated samples from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Marie Bergelin, Greg Balco, Lee B. Corbett, and Paul R. Bierman
Geochronology, 6, 491–502,,, 2024
Short summary
12 Aug 2024
Technical note: Optimizing the in situ cosmogenic 36Cl extraction and measurement workflow for geologic applications
Alia J. Lesnek, Joseph M. Licciardi, Alan J. Hidy, and Tyler S. Anderson
Geochronology, 6, 475–489,,, 2024
Short summary
08 Aug 2024
Technical note: RA138 calcite U–Pb LA-ICP-MS primary reference material
Marcel Guillong, Elias Samankassou, Inigo A. Müller, Dawid Szymanowski, Nathan Looser, Lorenzo Tavazzani, Óscar Merino-Tomé, Juan R. Bahamonde, Yannick Buret, and Maria Ovtcharova
Geochronology, 6, 465–474,,, 2024
Short summary
08 Aug 2024
Short Communication: A database of the global distribution of (U-Th)/He ages and U, Th contents of goethites 
Hevelyn S. Monteiro, Kenneth A. Farley, and Paulo M. Vasconcelos
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
05 Aug 2024
Revising chronological uncertainties in marine archives using global anthropogenic signals: a case study on the oceanic 13C Suess effect
Nil Irvalı, Ulysses S. Ninnemann, Are Olsen, Neil L. Rose, David J. R. Thornalley, Tor L. Mjell, and François Counillon
Geochronology, 6, 449–463,,, 2024
Short summary
05 Aug 2024
U-Pb direct dating on calcite paleosol nodules: first absolute age constraints on the Miocene continental succession of the Paris Basin
Vincent Monchal, Remi Rateau, Kerstin Drost, Cyril Gagnaison, Bastien Mennecart, Renaud Toullec, and David Chew
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
29 Jul 2024
In situ Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in Deglacial Sediment Reveals Interglacial Exposure, Burial, and Limited Erosion Under the Quebec-Labrador Ice Dome
Peyton M. Cavnar, Paul R. Bierman, Jeremy D. Shakun, Lee B. Corbett, Danielle LeBlanc, Gillian L. Galford, and Marc Caffee
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
Short summary
26 Jul 2024
The daughter–parent plot: a tool for analyzing thermochronological data
Birk Härtel and Eva Enkelmann
Geochronology, 6, 429–448,,, 2024
Short summary
24 Jul 2024
Cosmogenic 3He dating of olivine with tightly retained mantle 3He, Volcano Mountain, Yukon
Jessica Mueller, Jeffrey Bond, Kenneth Farley, and Brent Ward
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: open, 2 comments)
Short summary
22 Jul 2024
New age constraints reveal moraine stabilization thousands of years after deposition during the last deglaciation of western New York, USA
Karlee K. Prince, Jason P. Briner, Caleb K. Walcott, Brooke M. Chase, Andrew L. Kozlowski, Tammy M. Rittenour, and Erica P. Yang
Geochronology, 6, 409–427,,, 2024
Short summary
18 Jul 2024
Errorchrons and anchored isochrons in IsoplotR
Pieter Vermeesch
Geochronology, 6, 397–407,,, 2024
Short summary
10 Jul 2024
Effect of chemical abrasion of zircon on SIMS U–Pb, δ18O, trace element, and LA-ICPMS trace element and Lu–Hf isotopic analyses
Cate Kooymans, Charles W. Magee Jr., Kathryn Waltenberg, Noreen J. Evans, Simon Bodorkos, Yuri Amelin, Sandra L. Kamo, and Trevor Ireland
Geochronology, 6, 337–363,,, 2024
Short summary
10 Jul 2024
Cosmogenic 3He chronology of postglacial lava flows at Mt Ruapehu, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Pedro Doll, Shaun Robert Eaves, Ben Matthew Kennedy, Pierre-Henri Blard, Alexander Robert Lee Nichols, Graham Sloan Leonard, Dougal Bruce Townsend, Jim William Cole, Chris Edward Conway, Sacha Baldwin, Gabriel Fénisse, Laurent Zimmermann, and Bouchaïb Tibari
Geochronology, 6, 365–395,,, 2024
Short summary
05 Jul 2024
Short communication: Resolving the discrepancy between U–Pb age estimates for the “Likhall” bed, a key level in the Ordovician timescale
André Navin Paul, Anders Lindskog, and Urs Schaltegger
Geochronology, 6, 325–335,,, 2024
Short summary
03 Jul 2024
Short communication: Inverse correlation between radiation damage and fission-track etching time on monazite
Toru Nakajima, Shoma Fukuda, Shigeru Sueoka, Sota Niki, Tetsuo Kawakami, Tohru Danhara, and Takahiro Tagami
Geochronology, 6, 313–323,,, 2024
Short summary
02 Jul 2024
On the viability of detrital biotite Rb–Sr geochronology
Kyle P. Larson, Brendan Dyck, Sudip Shrestha, Mark Button, and Yani Najman
Geochronology, 6, 303–312,,, 2024
Short summary
02 Jul 2024
µID-TIMS: Spatially-resolved high-precision U-Pb zircon geochronology
Sava Markovic, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw, Dawid Szymanowski, Joakim Reuteler, Peng Zeng, and Cyril Chelle-Michou
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for GChron (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
Short summary
02 Jul 2024
In-situ Rb-Sr geochronology of white mica in young metamafic and metasomatic rocks from Syros: testing the limits of LA-ICP-MS/MS mica dating using different anchoring approaches
Jesús Muñoz-Montecinos, Andrea Giuliani, Senan Oesch, Silvia Volante, Bradley Peters, and Whitney Behr
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for GChron (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
Short summary
01 Jul 2024
Last ice sheet recession and landscape emergence above sea level in east-central Sweden, evaluated using in situ cosmogenic 14C from quartz
Bradley W. Goodfellow, Arjen P. Stroeven, Nathaniel A. Lifton, Jakob Heyman, Alexander Lewerentz, Kristina Hippe, Jens-Ove Näslund, and Marc W. Caffee
Geochronology, 6, 291–302,,, 2024
Short summary
26 Jun 2024
Cosmogenic 21Ne exposure ages on late Pleistocene moraines in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, USA
Joseph P. Tulenko, Greg Balco, Michael A. Clynne, and L. J. Patrick Muffler
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for GChron (discussion: final response, 6 comments)
Short summary
25 Jun 2024
Technical note: „U-Th Analysis” – an open-source software dedicated to MCICPMS U-series-data treatment and evaluation
Inga Kristina Kerber, Fabian Kontor, Sophie Warken, and Norbert Frank
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
Short summary
17 Jun 2024
Navigating the complexity of detrital rutile provenance: methodological insights from the Neotethys Orogen in Anatolia
Megan A. Mueller, Alexis Licht, Andreas Möller, Cailey B. Condit, Julie C. Fosdick, Faruk Ocakoğlu, and Clay Campbell
Geochronology, 6, 265–290,,, 2024
Short summary
13 Jun 2024
A new multimethod approach for dating cave calcite: application to the cave of Trou du Renard (Soyons, France)
Loïc Martin, Julius Nouet, Arnaud Dapoigny, Gaëlle Barbotin, Fanny Claverie, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Jocelyn Barbarand, Christophe Pécheyran, Norbert Mercier, Fanny Derym, Bernard Gély, and Hélène Valladas
Geochronology, 6, 247–263,,, 2024
Short summary
12 Jun 2024
Solving crustal heat transfer for thermochronology using physics-informed neural networks
Ruohong Jiao, Shengze Cai, and Jean Braun
Geochronology, 6, 227–245,,, 2024
Short summary
10 Jun 2024
The Geometric Correction Method for zircon (U–Th) ∕ He chronology: correcting systematic error and assigning uncertainties to alpha-ejection corrections and eU concentrations
Spencer D. Zeigler, Morgan Baker, James R. Metcalf, and Rebecca M. Flowers
Geochronology, 6, 199–226,,, 2024
Short summary
10 Jun 2024
Interpreting cooling dates and histories from laser ablation in-situ (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronometry
Christoph Glotzbach and Todd A. Ehlers
Geochronology Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GChron (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
Short summary
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