08 Aug 2024
 | 08 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GChron.

Short Communication: A database of the global distribution of (U-Th)/He ages and U, Th contents of goethites 

Hevelyn S. Monteiro, Kenneth A. Farley, and Paulo M. Vasconcelos

Abstract. Terrestrial supergene goethites of known ages record information on changes in weathering conditions through time. Here we present a database of (U-Th)/He ages and U and Th contents of goethites from different weathering environments around the globe. By consolidating published data collected at four different laboratories and unpublished data collected at the Noble Gas Laboratory at Caltech, we aim to give an overview of the work carried out by geochronologists and geochemists in the last 20 years. The database contains 2597 (U-Th)/He ages of goethites from 10 countries; most of the ages come from Brazil and Australia.

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Hevelyn S. Monteiro, Kenneth A. Farley, and Paulo M. Vasconcelos

Status: open (until 30 Sep 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Hevelyn S. Monteiro, Kenneth A. Farley, and Paulo M. Vasconcelos
Hevelyn S. Monteiro, Kenneth A. Farley, and Paulo M. Vasconcelos


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Short summary
We have built a database of (U-Th)/He ages and U and Th contents of goethites from various weathering environments. The database contains 2597 (U-Th)/He ages of goethites from 10 countries. The findings presented in this manuscript contribute insights onto the distribution of dated goethites from different environments globally and into the Earth's Cenozoic weathering history.