Articles | Volume 2, issue 2
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© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
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LA-ICPMS U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircon grains from the Coconino, Moenkopi, and Chinle formations in the Petrified Forest National Park (Arizona)
George Gehrels
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Dominique Giesler
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Paul Olsen
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY
10964, USA
Dennis Kent
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY
10964, USA
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
08854, USA
Adam Marsh
Petrified Forest National Park, Petrified Forest, AZ 86028, USA
William Parker
Petrified Forest National Park, Petrified Forest, AZ 86028, USA
Cornelia Rasmussen
Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, CA 94709, USA
Roland Mundil
Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, CA 94709, USA
Randall Irmis
Natural History Museum of Utah and Department of Geology &
Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA
John Geissman
Department of Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,
TX 75080, USA
Christopher Lepre
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
08854, USA
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26 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Coastal Response to Global Warming During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum G. Sharman et al. 10.2139/ssrn.4200185
- Paleohydrological features and detrital compositions of the Late Triassic Chinle Formation in southwestern Utah, U.S.A K. Shibata et al. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2025.106820
- There and Back Again: Recycling of the Appalachian Signature in DZ U-Pb Records of Phanerozoic North America I. Allred et al. 10.2113/2023/8478638
- Northward dispersal of dinosaurs from Gondwana to Greenland at the mid-Norian (215–212 Ma, Late Triassic) dip in atmospheric p CO 2 D. Kent & L. Clemmensen 10.1073/pnas.2020778118
- A crucial geologic test of Late Jurassic exotic collision versus endemic re-accretion in the Klamath Mountains Province, western United States, with implications for the assembly of western North America T. LaMaskin et al. 10.1130/B35981.1
- U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Datangpo Formation, South China: Implications for Sturtian deglaciation age and Nanhua stratal provenance X. Ma et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111494
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation From the Continuous Cores Recovered in Colorado Plateau Coring Project Phase 1 (CPCP‐1), Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA: Correlation of the Early to Middle Triassic Strata and Biota in Colorado Plateau and Its Environs Z. Haque et al. 10.1029/2021JB021899
- Reconstructing paleosinuosity and sedimentary mass balance in the Upper Triassic Shinarump paleoriver in Utah and Arizona, U.S.A. R. Hayes & P. DeCelles 10.2110/jsr.2021.122
- A constraint on post–6 Ma timing of western Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA) incision removed: Local derivation indicated by ca. 5.4 Ma fluvial deposits below Shivwits Plateau basalts north of Grand Canyon A. Steelquist et al. 10.1130/GES02353.1
- A geochronologically-constrained stable isotope record of the Upper Triassic Sonsela Member (Chinle Formation) at Petrified Forest National Park (Arizona, USA): Testing for paleoenvironmental linkages with biotic change and the Manicouagan impact C. Rasmussen et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111060
- Revised age and regional correlations of Cenozoic strata on Bat Mountain, Death Valley region, California, USA, from zircon U-Pb geochronology of sandstones and ash-fall tuffs T. Schwartz et al. 10.1130/GES02543.1
- First occurrence ofDoswelliacf.D. kaltenbachi(Archosauriformes) from the Late Triassic (middle Norian) Chinle Formation of Arizona and its implications on proposed biostratigraphic correlations across North America during the Late Triassic W. Parker et al. 10.1080/02724634.2021.1976196
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- The edge of a Permian erg: Eolian facies and provenance of the Lyons Sandstone in northern Colorado O. Kendigelen et al. 10.24872/rmgjournal.58.2.57
- Sedimentary record of Late Paleozoic tectonism in the Monitor Range, central Nevada: Implications for convergence along the western Laurentian margin R. Leary et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110552
- Empirical record, geochronology and theoretical determinates of Mesozoic climate in the Junggar Basin, NW China, in relation to other basins in NE China P. Olsen et al. 10.1144/SP538-2023-89
- Late Triassic paleogeography of southern Laurentia and its fringing arcs: Insights from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry, Auld Lang Syne basin (Nevada, USA) T. Schwartz et al. 10.1130/B37454.1
- New specimen and redescription of Anisodontosaurus greeri (Moenkopi Formation: Middle Triassic) and the spatiotemporal origins of Trilophosauridae D. Foffa et al. 10.1080/02724634.2023.2220015
- An exploratory study of “large‐n” detrital zircon geochronology of the Book Cliffs, UT via rapid (3 s/analysis) U–Pb dating K. Sundell et al. 10.1111/bre.12840
- Coastal response to global warming during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum G. Sharman et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111664
- Improving the chronostratigraphic framework of the Transvaal Supergroup (South Africa) through in-situ and high-precision U-Pb geochronology M. Senger et al. 10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107070
- Maximum depositional age estimation revisited P. Vermeesch 10.1016/j.gsf.2020.08.008
- Hf Isotopes and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Silasia Formation, Midyan Terrane, Northwestern Arabian Shield: An Investigation of the Provenance History O. Dessouky et al. 10.1002/gj.5053
- Modeling apparent Pb loss in zircon U–Pb geochronology G. Sharman & M. Malkowski 10.5194/gchron-6-37-2024
- U-Pb zircon geochronology and depositional age models for the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation (Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA): Implications for Late Triassic paleoecological and paleoenvironmental change C. Rasmussen et al. 10.1130/B35485.1
- New evidence for the Baltican cratonic affinity and Tonian to Ediacaran tectonic evolution of West Avalonia in the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada L. Beranek et al. 10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107046
26 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Coastal Response to Global Warming During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum G. Sharman et al. 10.2139/ssrn.4200185
- Paleohydrological features and detrital compositions of the Late Triassic Chinle Formation in southwestern Utah, U.S.A K. Shibata et al. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2025.106820
- There and Back Again: Recycling of the Appalachian Signature in DZ U-Pb Records of Phanerozoic North America I. Allred et al. 10.2113/2023/8478638
- Northward dispersal of dinosaurs from Gondwana to Greenland at the mid-Norian (215–212 Ma, Late Triassic) dip in atmospheric p CO 2 D. Kent & L. Clemmensen 10.1073/pnas.2020778118
- A crucial geologic test of Late Jurassic exotic collision versus endemic re-accretion in the Klamath Mountains Province, western United States, with implications for the assembly of western North America T. LaMaskin et al. 10.1130/B35981.1
- U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Datangpo Formation, South China: Implications for Sturtian deglaciation age and Nanhua stratal provenance X. Ma et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111494
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation From the Continuous Cores Recovered in Colorado Plateau Coring Project Phase 1 (CPCP‐1), Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA: Correlation of the Early to Middle Triassic Strata and Biota in Colorado Plateau and Its Environs Z. Haque et al. 10.1029/2021JB021899
- Reconstructing paleosinuosity and sedimentary mass balance in the Upper Triassic Shinarump paleoriver in Utah and Arizona, U.S.A. R. Hayes & P. DeCelles 10.2110/jsr.2021.122
- A constraint on post–6 Ma timing of western Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA) incision removed: Local derivation indicated by ca. 5.4 Ma fluvial deposits below Shivwits Plateau basalts north of Grand Canyon A. Steelquist et al. 10.1130/GES02353.1
- A geochronologically-constrained stable isotope record of the Upper Triassic Sonsela Member (Chinle Formation) at Petrified Forest National Park (Arizona, USA): Testing for paleoenvironmental linkages with biotic change and the Manicouagan impact C. Rasmussen et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111060
- Revised age and regional correlations of Cenozoic strata on Bat Mountain, Death Valley region, California, USA, from zircon U-Pb geochronology of sandstones and ash-fall tuffs T. Schwartz et al. 10.1130/GES02543.1
- First occurrence ofDoswelliacf.D. kaltenbachi(Archosauriformes) from the Late Triassic (middle Norian) Chinle Formation of Arizona and its implications on proposed biostratigraphic correlations across North America during the Late Triassic W. Parker et al. 10.1080/02724634.2021.1976196
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- The edge of a Permian erg: Eolian facies and provenance of the Lyons Sandstone in northern Colorado O. Kendigelen et al. 10.24872/rmgjournal.58.2.57
- Sedimentary record of Late Paleozoic tectonism in the Monitor Range, central Nevada: Implications for convergence along the western Laurentian margin R. Leary et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110552
- Empirical record, geochronology and theoretical determinates of Mesozoic climate in the Junggar Basin, NW China, in relation to other basins in NE China P. Olsen et al. 10.1144/SP538-2023-89
- Late Triassic paleogeography of southern Laurentia and its fringing arcs: Insights from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry, Auld Lang Syne basin (Nevada, USA) T. Schwartz et al. 10.1130/B37454.1
- New specimen and redescription of Anisodontosaurus greeri (Moenkopi Formation: Middle Triassic) and the spatiotemporal origins of Trilophosauridae D. Foffa et al. 10.1080/02724634.2023.2220015
- An exploratory study of “large‐n” detrital zircon geochronology of the Book Cliffs, UT via rapid (3 s/analysis) U–Pb dating K. Sundell et al. 10.1111/bre.12840
- Coastal response to global warming during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum G. Sharman et al. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111664
- Improving the chronostratigraphic framework of the Transvaal Supergroup (South Africa) through in-situ and high-precision U-Pb geochronology M. Senger et al. 10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107070
- Maximum depositional age estimation revisited P. Vermeesch 10.1016/j.gsf.2020.08.008
- Hf Isotopes and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Silasia Formation, Midyan Terrane, Northwestern Arabian Shield: An Investigation of the Provenance History O. Dessouky et al. 10.1002/gj.5053
- Modeling apparent Pb loss in zircon U–Pb geochronology G. Sharman & M. Malkowski 10.5194/gchron-6-37-2024
- U-Pb zircon geochronology and depositional age models for the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation (Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA): Implications for Late Triassic paleoecological and paleoenvironmental change C. Rasmussen et al. 10.1130/B35485.1
- New evidence for the Baltican cratonic affinity and Tonian to Ediacaran tectonic evolution of West Avalonia in the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada L. Beranek et al. 10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107046
Discussed (final revised paper)
Latest update: 13 Feb 2025
Short summary
U–Pb ages of zircon crystals are used to determine the provenance and depositional age of strata of the Triassic Chinle and Moenkopi formations and the Permian Coconino Sandstone of northern Arizona. Primary source regions include the Ouachita orogen, local Precambrian basement rocks, and Permian–Triassic magmatic arcs to the south and west. Ages from fine-grained strata provide reliable depositional ages, whereas ages from sandstones are compromised by zircon grains recycled from older strata.
U–Pb ages of zircon crystals are used to determine the provenance and depositional age of...