Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Short communication/technical note
23 Jun 2021
Short communication/technical note |  | 23 Jun 2021

Technical note: On the reliability of laboratory beta-source calibration for luminescence dating

Barbara Mauz, Loïc Martin, Michael Discher, Chantal Tribolo, Sebastian Kreutzer, Chiara Bahl, Andreas Lang, and Nobert Mercier


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Short summary
Luminescence dating requires irradiating the sample in the laboratory. Here, we address some concerns about the reliability of the calibration procedure that have been published recently. We found that the interplay between geometrical parameters such as grain size and aliquot size impacts the calibration value more than previously thought. The results of our study are robust and allow us to recommend an improved calibration procedure in order to enhance the reliability of the calibration value.