07 Oct 2024
 | 07 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GChron.

Technical Note: Benchmark time-temperature paths provide a shared framework for evaluating and communicating thermochronologic data interpretation

Andrea L. Stevens Goddard, Kendra E. Murray, Alyssa L. Abbey, and Mark Wildman

Abstract. We present a set of six time-temperature (tT) histories, called benchmark paths, that can be used as a shared framework for evaluating the sensitivity of a thermochronologic system to the variables inherent in the interpretation of thermochronologic data (e.g., kinetics models, mineral compositions or geometries, etc.). These benchmark paths span 100 Myr, include monotonic and nonmonotonic histories that represent plausible geologic scenarios, and have a range of cooling rates through different chronometer partial-retention/annealing temperatures. Here, we demonstrate their utility by presenting a method for tuning these paths to 11 different kinetics models for the apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (n=5), apatite fission-track (n=2), and zircon (U-Th)/He (n=4) systems. These tuned tT paths provide a practical comparison of the kinetics models for each system and the data patterns they predict, thereby offering anyone performing thermal history analysis the ability to consider how their choice of kinetics model may impact their data interpretation. The adoption of benchmark paths for evaluating kinetics models and other variables provides a practical way for the thermochronology community to evaluate and communicate the decision making processes that are inherent in thermochronologic modeling and data interpretation.

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Andrea L. Stevens Goddard, Kendra E. Murray, Alyssa L. Abbey, and Mark Wildman

Status: open (until 18 Nov 2024)

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Andrea L. Stevens Goddard, Kendra E. Murray, Alyssa L. Abbey, and Mark Wildman
Andrea L. Stevens Goddard, Kendra E. Murray, Alyssa L. Abbey, and Mark Wildman


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Short summary
We present a set of six standardized time-temperature histories, which we call benchmark paths, that can be used by the low-temperature thermochronology community to evaluate and visualize the sensitivity of thermochronologic systems to the variables inherent in the interpretation of thermochronologic data. As an example, we present a method for “tuning” each benchmark path to eleven published kinetics models (for the apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He, apatite fission-track, and zircon (U-Th)/He systems).