09 Dec 2024
 | 09 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GChron.

Paired 14C-10Be exposure ages from Mount Murphy, West Antarctica: Implications for accurate and precise deglacial chronologies

Jonathan R. Adams, Dylan H. Rood, Klaus Wilcken, Stephen J. Roberts, and Joanne S. Johnson

Abstract. Cosmogenic-nuclide surface exposure ages provide empirical data for testing the accuracy of models simulating the timing and pace of ice sheet response to a warming climate. Increasing emphasis is being placed on obtaining exposure ages that both accurately constrain Holocene deglaciation and are precise enough to capture ice sheet change at the sub-millennial scale. However, the accuracy of Holocene deglacial chronologies can be compromised by nuclide inheritance when measuring longer-lived nuclides, such as 10Be. Short-lived in situ-produced 14C is unique because it is largely insensitive to nuclide inheritance pre-dating the last glacial maximum (LGM), and when combined with longer-lived nuclides can be used to constrain complex ice sheet histories over Holocene timescales. Here, we present new in situ 14C exposure ages from Mt Murphy, West Antarctica. Many of the new in situ 14C ages are inconsistent with published 10Be ages, suggesting samples collected from the same elevation above the modern ice were exposed at different times. We investigate potential explanations for such conflicting exposure histories by analysing paired 14C-10Be data of Holocene age presently archived in the informal cosmogenic-nuclide exposure-age database (ICE-D, Our analysis reveal that neither geologic sources of uncertainty due to variations in geologic setting nor modelled scenarios of subsurface nuclide production explain conflicting paired 14C-10Be exposure ages observed at Mt Murphy. Furthermore, we observe that repeat in situ 14C concentrations measured in 15 of 31 samples do not replicate within their nominal 6 % (2σ) analytical uncertainty and identify ~ 2 kyr of excess unquantified scatter from Mt Murphy in situ 14C exposure ages. Taken together, these results suggest analytical uncertainty for in situ 14C measurements may currently be underestimated. We provide recommendations for improving measurement precision that will benefit future Holocene deglaciation studies including analysis and publication of more replicate measurements, and the continuation of efforts to quantify and minimise sources of scatter in blank measurements.

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Jonathan R. Adams, Dylan H. Rood, Klaus Wilcken, Stephen J. Roberts, and Joanne S. Johnson

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on gchron-2024-34', Anonymous Referee #1, 15 Feb 2025 reply
Jonathan R. Adams, Dylan H. Rood, Klaus Wilcken, Stephen J. Roberts, and Joanne S. Johnson

Data sets

Cosmogenic in situ 14C data and calculated surface exposure ages for 9 erratic cobbles collected from Mount Murphy, West Antarctica J. A. Adams et al.

Jonathan R. Adams, Dylan H. Rood, Klaus Wilcken, Stephen J. Roberts, and Joanne S. Johnson


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Short summary
Ice sheet mass loss is adding to sea-level rise, and is expected to increase, but by how much and how fast remains uncertain. Isotopes produced in rock at the Earth’s surface provide records of past ice sheet thinning which help predict future change but are more effective if they are precise enough to determine past changes to the nearest thousand years. The precision of carbon-14, an isotope which is guaranteed to record past change since the last ice age, can be improved.