Articles | Volume 2, issue 2
Research article
31 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 31 Jul 2020

Resolving the timescales of magmatic and hydrothermal processes associated with porphyry deposit formation using zircon U–Pb petrochronology

Simon J. E. Large, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw, Marcel Guillong, Albrecht von Quadt, and Christoph A. Heinrich


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Short summary
The integration of zircon geochemistry and U–Pb geochronology (petrochronology) allows us to improve our understanding of magmatic processes. Here we could reconstruct the ~300 kyr evolution of the magma reservoir that sourced the magmas, fluids and metals to form the Batu Hijau porphyry Cu–Au deposit. The application of in situ LA-ICP-MS and high-precision CA–ID–TIMS geochronology to the same zircons further allowed an assessment of the strengths and limitations of the different techniques.