Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
16 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 16 Feb 2021

Tools for uranium characterization in carbonate samples: case studies of natural U–Pb geochronology reference materials

E. Troy Rasbury, Theodore M. Present, Paul Northrup, Ryan V. Tappero, Antonio Lanzirotti, Jennifer M. Cole, Kathleen M. Wooton, and Kevin Hatton


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Short summary
We characterize three natural carbonate samples with elevated uranium/lead (U/Pb) ratios to demonstrate techniques improving the understanding of U incorporation in carbonates for U/Pb dating. With the rapidly accelerating application of laser ablation analyses, there is a great need for well-characterized reference materials that can serve multiple functions. Strontium (Sr) isotope analyses and U XANES demonstrate that these samples could be used as reference materials.