Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
Short communication/technical note
02 Aug 2021
Short communication/technical note |  | 02 Aug 2021

Short communication: Inverse isochron regression for Re–Os, K–Ca and other chronometers

Yang Li and Pieter Vermeesch


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Short summary
A conventional isochron is a straight-line fit to two sets of isotopic ratios, D/d and P/d, where P is the radioactive parent, D is the radiogenic daughter, and d is a second isotope of the daughter element. The slope of this line is proportional to the age of the system. An inverse isochron is a linear fit through d/D and P/D. The horizontal intercept of this line is inversely proportional to the age. The latter approach is preferred when d<D, which is the case in Re–Os and K–Ca geochronology.