Articles | Volume 4, issue 1
Research article
16 May 2022
Research article |  | 16 May 2022

Cyclostratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Ordovician successions of the Armorican Massif (western France) using portable X-ray fluorescence

Matthias Sinnesael, Alfredo Loi, Marie-Pierre Dabard, Thijs R. A. Vandenbroucke, and Philippe Claeys


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Short summary
We used new geochemical measurements to study the expression of astronomical climate cycles recorded in the Ordovician (~ 460 million years ago) geological sections of the Crozon Peninsula (France). This type of geological archive is not often studied in this way, but as they become more important going back in time, a better understanding of their potential astronomical cycles is crucial to advance our knowledge of deep-time climate dynamics and to construct high-resolution timescales.