Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
06 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 06 Jun 2023

XLUM: an open data format for exchange and long-term preservation of luminescence data

Sebastian Kreutzer, Steve Grehl, Michael Höhne, Oliver Simmank, Kay Dornich, Grzegorz Adamiec, Christoph Burow, Helen M. Roberts, and Geoff A. T. Duller


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Short summary
The concept of open data has become the modern science meme. Funding bodies and publishers support open data. However, the open data mandate frequently encounters technical obstacles, such as a lack of a suitable data format for data sharing and long-term data preservation. Such issues are often community-specific and demand community-tailored solutions. We propose a new human-readable data format for data exchange and long-term preservation of luminescence data called XLUM.