Articles | Volume 6, issue 2
Research article
17 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 17 Jun 2024

Navigating the complexity of detrital rutile provenance: methodological insights from the Neotethys Orogen in Anatolia

Megan A. Mueller, Alexis Licht, Andreas Möller, Cailey B. Condit, Julie C. Fosdick, Faruk Ocakoğlu, and Clay Campbell

Data sets

Supplemental data for: Navigating the complexity of detrital rutile provenance: Methodological insights from the Neotethys Orogen in Anatolia Megan Mueller et al.

Model code and software

mmueller13/Detrital-UPb-and-TE: v0.2 Megan Mueller

Short summary
Sedimentary provenance refers to the study of the origin of sedimentary rocks, tracing where sediment particles originated. Common sedimentary provenance techniques struggle to track mafic igneous and metamorphic rock sources and rutile forms in these rock types. We use rutile form ancient sedimentary rocks in Türkiye to present new recommendations and workflows for integrating rutile U–Pb ages and chemical composition into an accurate sedimentary provenance reconstruction.