Articles | Volume 6, issue 4
Research article
17 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2024

Zircon luminescence dating revisited

Christoph Schmidt, Théo Halter, Paul R. Hanson, Alexey Ulianov, Benita Putlitz, Georgina E. King, and Sebastian Kreutzer

Data sets

Raw data and data processing scripts for studying the potential of zircon luminescence dating (Version 1.0.0) Christoph Schmidt

Short summary
We study the use of zircons as dosimeters using modern techniques, highlighting their advantages such as time-invariant dose rates. We explore the correlation between zircon geochemistry and luminescence properties, observe fast zircon optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) bleaching rates, and assess the potential of auto-regeneration. Low OSL sensitivities require combining natural OSL and auto-regenerated thermoluminescence (TL), with the potential to enhance age accuracy and precision.