Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
21 May 2021
Research article |  | 21 May 2021

Spatially resolved infrared radiofluorescence: single-grain K-feldspar dating using CCD imaging

Dirk Mittelstraß and Sebastian Kreutzer

Data sets

Spatially Resolved Infrared Radiofluorescence (SR IR-RF) Image Data Sebastian Kreutzer and Dirk Mittelstraß

RLumSTARR: Spatially Resolved Radiofluorescence Analysis, R package version Sebastian Kreutzer and Dirk Mittelstrass

Model code and software

ImageJ macro for spatially resolved infrared radiofluorescence (SR-RF) (Version v0.1.0) Dirk Mittelstraß and Sebastian Kreutzer

Short summary
Our contribution enhances the infrared radiofluorescence dating technique, used to determine the last sunlight exposure of potassium feldspars in a range of about 600 to 600 000 years backwards. We recorded radiofluorescence images of fine sands and processed them with tailored open-source software to obtain ages from single grains. Finally, we tested our new method successfully on two natural sediment samples. Studies in Earth science will benefit from improved age accuracy and new insights.