Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Research article
19 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2023

The marine reservoir age of Greenland coastal waters

Christof Pearce, Karen Søby Özdemir, Ronja Forchhammer Mathiasen, Henrieka Detlef, and Jesper Olsen

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Cited articles

Allaart, L., Schomacker, A., Larsen, N. K., Nørmark, E., Rydningen, T. A., Farnsworth, W. R., Retelle, M., Brynjólfsson, S., Forwick, M., and Kjellman, S. E.: Glacial history of the Åsgardfonna Ice Cap, NE Spitsbergen, since the last glaciation, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 251, 106717,, 2021. 
Alves, E. Q., Macario, K., Ascough, P., and Bronk Ramsey, C.: The Worldwide Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect: Definitions, Mechanisms, and Prospects, Rev. Geophys., 56, 278–305,, 2018. 
Andresen, C. S., McCarthy, D. J., Dylmer, C. V., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Kuijpers, A., and Lloyd, J. M.: Interaction between subsurface ocean waters and calving of the Jakobshavn Isbræ during the late Holocene, Holocene, 21, 211–224,, 2011. 
Andresen, C. S., Hansen, M. J., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Jennings, A. E., Knudsen, M. F., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N., Larsen, N. K., Kuijpers, A., and Pearce, C.: Mid- to late-Holocene oceanographic variability on the Southeast Greenland shelf, Holocene, 23, 167–178,, 2013. 
Andrews, J. T. and Jennings, A. E.: Multidecadal to millennial marine climate oscillations across the Denmark Strait ( 66 N) over the last 2000 cal yr BP, Clim. Past, 10, 325–343,, 2014. 
Short summary
Reliable chronologies lie at the base of paleoclimatological reconstructions. When working with marine sediment cores, the most common dating tool for recent sediments is radiocarbon, but this requires calibration to convert it to calendar ages. This calibration requires knowledge of the marine radiocarbon reservoir age, and this is known to vary in space and time. In this study we provide 92 new radiocarbon measurements to improve our knowledge of the reservoir age around Greenland.