Articles | Volume 6, issue 3
Short communication/technical note
03 Jul 2024
Short communication/technical note |  | 03 Jul 2024

Short communication: Inverse correlation between radiation damage and fission-track etching time on monazite

Toru Nakajima, Shoma Fukuda, Shigeru Sueoka, Sota Niki, Tetsuo Kawakami, Tohru Danhara, and Takahiro Tagami

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Cited articles

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Goto, Y., Suzuki, I, K., Shinya, T., Yamauchi, I., A., Miyoshi, M., Danhara, T., and Tomiya, A.: Stratigraphy and Lithofacies of the Toya Ignimbrite in Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan: Insights into the Caldera-forming Eruption at Toya Caldera, J. Geogr. (Chigaku Zasshi), 127, 191–227,, 2018. 
Short summary
Establishing an etching procedure for monazite fission tracks (MFTs) is essential for MFT dating. In this short communication, we investigated the parameters governing the etching rate of MFTs, particularly the effect of radiation damage. Our results show an inverse relationship between MFT etching time and the degree of radiation damage. We show that existing etching recipes may not sufficiently etch MFTs in young monazite, advocating the importance of revising etching methods.