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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Minimizing the effects of Pb loss in detrital and igneous U–Pb zircon geochronology by CA-LA-ICP-MS
Erin E. Donaghy
Michael P. Eddy
Federico Moreno
Mauricio Ibañez-Mejia
- Final revised paper (published on 27 Mar 2024)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 25 Aug 2023)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
CC1: 'Comment on gchron-2023-20', Trystan Herriott, 19 Sep 2023
It’s great to see this submission by Donaghy, Eddy, Moreno, and Ibañez-Mejia, which considers the potential for chemical abrasion (CA) as a means of improving accuracy for LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon geochronology. Although there are several things that the authors can consider and expand on, I anticipate this study will be welcomed by many folks that rely on (accurate!) LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon dating for a variety of applications.
This manuscript focuses on Pb-loss as a challenge in obtaining accurate LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon dates. Because Pb-loss is the major uncertainty source addressed, the authors could consider writing a bit more in the intro text about how they view Pb-loss within the context of high-T/low-T conditions, geologic annealing, alpha-dose, degree of metamictization, young (Phanerozoic? or Meso–Cenozoic?)/old (Precambrian?), fluid flow, and other variables (some of these things are noted in various places in the text). Although the Pb-loss-from-zircon literature is somewhat confusing, it does seem that low-T Pb-loss is a real thing that maybe even happens in near-surface weathering of zircon (e.g., Keller et al., 2019, Geochronology). However, Pb-loss is also sometimes regarded as a mostly high-T phenomenon that isn’t likely to, for example, commonly impact DZ geochronology (e.g., Vermeesch, 2021, Geoscience Frontiers). Either way, it’s a bit hard to know how much of this ostensible low-T Pb-loss is happening in young-ish (e.g., Meso–Cenozoic), low-U (and Th) zircon (e.g., see discussion on alpha-dose and Pb-loss in McKanna et al., in review, Geochronology), but a reader of this paper will benefit if the authors provide some conceptual framing for how the accuracy of LA-ICPMS dates for young, non-metamict zircon that only experienced shallow burial depths can be improved with CA-LA-ICPMS.
I think it’s also critical that the authors directly address matrix effects-related uncertainties for LA-ICPMS. I can’t help but think there’s an impactful matrix effect/reference zircon challenge/issue in LA-ICPMS zircon geochronology that’s got to be solved as we strive toward achieving increased accuracy for LA-ICPMS. The literature on LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon dating matrix effects and thermal annealing (TA)-LA-ICPMS and full on CA-LA-ICPMS is intertwined. And the authors will need to cite and discuss at least several key references, including Allen and Campbell (2012, Chemical Geology), Marillo-Sialer et al. (2014, JAAS; 2016, Chemical Geology), Solari et al. (2015, Chemical Geology), Sliwinski et al. (2017, Chemical Geology), and Ver Hoeve et al. (2018, Chemical Geology). One thing to keep in mind is that some of these papers highlight the value of TA alone in improving the accuracy of LA-ICPMS dates of zircon by diminishing ablation rate variability among references and unknowns. Our experience is that TA won’t solve all the potential challenges of LA-ICPMS zircon date offsets (e.g., Herriott et al., 2019, Geology), but the benefits of simple TA seems less likely to be burdened by some of the challenges of the full CA protocol (which can impact ablation behavior!) for LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon geochronology. Mattinson (2005, Chemical Geology) even closed out that pivotal paper by noting the potential of TA to improve microbeam dating of zircon.
Regarding matrix effects and sample–standard bracketing, it's worth noting that by simply switching between which reference zircon is treated as the primary there can be potentially impactful effects on dates for unknowns (e.g., Klötzli et al., 2009, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research). I’d be curious to see more plots like that of Gehrels et al. (2008, G^3) and Schoene (2014, Treatise on Geochemistry, chapter 4.10) and Pullen et al. (2018, G^3) and Sundell et al. (2021, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research) of % offsets of “unknowns” dates of reference zircon results that were based on using different zircon primaries. All this relates to the scatter the authors highlight for the Meso–Cenozoic references in their % offset plot and then go on to discuss GHR1 and Fish Canyon Tuff (FCT) offset relations that may be reflecting true geologic dispersion. The geologic population complexity situation is important, although the analytical precision of LA-ICPMS at some point places meaningful limits on resolving autocrystic vs. antecrystic vs. xenocrystic populations (I didn’t re-read Eddy et al. [2019], or Wotzlaw et al. [2013], but the authors should confirm/report whether LA-ICPMS is capable of resolving the geologic populations documented by TIMS for these Cenozoic reference zircon). Either way, seeing young zircon have “issues” like this usually makes me think more along the lines of a matrix effect problem and less so geologic scatter (or Pb-loss, although the ICPMS offsets for FCT and GHR1 are positive here, but all the Pb-loss offset relations are theoretically flipped if CA-LA-ICPMS is compared to ID-TIMS and the zircon lost Pb and all other uncertainties are negligible[ha!]…right?!?). Anyway, maybe this isn’t that big of a deal, but FCT, for example, is nearly –1% offset in Gehrels et al. (2008), has some notable negative offsets in the Schoene (2014) review paper figure, looks a bit better behaved (with minor average negative offset) in the Pullen et al. (2018) paper, and Sundell et al. (2021) have FCT results that are pretty prone to negative offsets at more traditional laser spot analysis durations but have improved overall accuracy (albeit at the trade off for lower precision…not a terrible trade off if that’s what it takes!) at more rapid analysis durations (this is related to matrix effects!). Seeing the positive offsets for FCT in the current paper really caught my eye and seems like a matrix effect effect is going on here. Please share your thoughts on these reference zircon data relations!
I’m not quite sure what the authors can or should do with this, but here’s some additional food for thought: It's probably not yet widely appreciated/highlighted/published, but tandem dating (i.e., paired LA-ICPMS–CA-ID-TIMS analyses) case studies are documenting too-young offsets in LA-ICPMS U–Pb dates of Mesozoic DZ and tephra zircon in the –2% to –3% range (e.g., Herriott, Crowley, et al., GSA Connects 2022, 2023; a couple of published LA-ICPMS–CA-ID-TIMS DZ datasets with average offsets in this range are in Herriott et al., 2019; and Rasmussen et al., 2021, GSA Bulletin). Moving beyond the Mesozoic and a few different basins and a few different U–Pb labs, Howard, Sharman, et al. have a couple recent GSA Connects abstracts (2022, 2023) where they dredged the literature for paired LA-ICPMS–TIMS zircon dates and report offsets for LA-ICPMS of igneous, metamorphic, and detrital zircon typically in the range of –1.5% to –2.5%. A handful of abstracts doesn’t yet make a robust, citable literature trail, but some of this may be of enough interest that it could be noted by the authors with respect to future research/considerations. Again, I think some of this is almost certainly reflecting Pb-loss (and is also benchmarking at least some analytical dispersion in LA-ICPMS dates of single geologic populations as well), but matrix effects/reference zircon-related complexities remain as notable candidates for systematic sources of offset/bias/error that these tandem dating zircon studies are encountering.
One of the challenges with all of this is how do can we start isolating/identifying/mitigating these offset sources as the zircon dating community continues to strive to improve accuracy for LA-ICPMS. I encourage the authors to contemplate ways to further explore their existing reference and igneous zircon and DZ datasets for potential insights on this question of isolating potential sources of offset that can cumulatively impact accuracy. Maybe some 1:1 plots of ID-TIMS vs. CA-ID-TIMS dates of reference zircon could help identify where we may expect to explicitly resolve a (hopefully minimal…ahh!) Pb-loss issue with CA-LA-ICPMS? (Okay, probably hard or impossible to resolve any of that with ICPMS, but maybe the concept would be useful for discussion?) Perhaps find a way to plot/compare relative offsets for LA-ICPMS vs. CA-LA-ICPMS for the reference zircon treated as unknowns to see those relations more clearly than the Figure 1 offset plot and consider how this compares to Pb-loss mitigation predictions one might make because CA was or was not employed, as well as further characterize the offset impacts of CA. (Could you plot the CA-LA-ICPMS results in an offset plot as their benchmarked-by-TIMS offset minus the LA-ICPMS benchmarked-by-TIMS offset? Then you’d see what CA-LA-ICPMS “did” relative to regular LA-ICPMS…or something like that). Also consider/discuss how CA-LA-ICPMS may render older or younger dates in the context of increased or decreased ablation rates during analysis by the laser.
Please see below for some additional comments tied to lines in the manuscript. Congratulations to the authors on a very nice study, and I will look forward to seeing the final version of this work published in Geochronology.
Trystan Herriott
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys–Line 36: Maximum depositional ages are mentioned in the abstract but not here (or anywhere else in the main text). A note or two regarding DZ MDAs in the text could be appropriate.
–Line 57: In listing the first and second benefits of CA, expand the summary to include the initial step and benefits of thermal annealing as part of the full CA pre-treatment.
–Line 87/Table 1: Double check the (non CA) ID-TIMS vs. CA-ID-TIMS superscripts here. Looks like there may be a typo or two. Suggest that here and throughout the paper to refer to non-CA ID-TIMS as “ID-TIMS” and CA-ID-TIMS as “CA-ID-TIMS”. State that this is the usage, stick to it, and any ambiguity will be avoided. (See next comment as well.)
–Line 178/Figure 1: Please clarify how the ID-TIMS vs. CA-ID-TIMS benchmarking was completed here. Just as an example, Mattinson’s (2010) CA-ID-TIMS Temora 2 result is listed as the reference age in the graphic, but the slightly younger ID-TIMS result of Black et al. (2004) is maybe (or maybe not?) used as the benchmark for your regular LA-ICPMS analyses? Perhaps this doesn’t matter a ton for reference zircon treated as unknowns, but some of these potential vagaries may come into play in LA-ICPMS case studies of unknown zircon. In fact, explicit discussion of these considerations would be much appreciated! Also note that the reference ages listed in the ranked date plots of the supplemental are labeled as “CA-ID-TIMS” but a lot of those reference zircon ages are probably ID-TIMS. See comment by Sundell et al. (2021) regarding this.
–Line 186: The issue of xenocrysts and antecrysts for GHR1 and FCT are valid points (although analytical resolution limits of LA-ICPMS may come into play here as noted above), but the CA variable and TA-LA-ICPMS and CA-LA-ICMS literature and matrix effects should be discussed a bit more here. Also, the abstract states “CA does not systematically bias LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dates”, but that’s not necessarily a conclusion I’d quickly make from looking at Figure 1. This is a central point of the manuscript and should be further evaluated beyond Figure 1. As noted above, consider making a figure with a quantitative comparison between the LA-ICPMS offsets and CA-LA-ICPMS offsets relative to each other to further help the reader see the (delta!) differences. And consider plotting all the individual dates rather than (or in addition to) the weighted means.
–Figure 6: The (non-CA) LA-ICPMS vs. CA-LA-ICPMS DZ sample results should be further compared quantitatively with common methods (e.g., see similarity/dissimilarity metrics of papers by Vermeesch and Saylor and Sundell and Sharman and so on). The metrics may indicate super-similarity between the LA-ICPMS vs. CA-LA-ICPMS results…or not…either way, it’s worth reporting (add necessary discussion to main text as well).
–Line 380 and Figure 8: Please expand on “similar and indistinguishable”. Not sure how this impacts the interpretation, but indistinguishable isn’t exactly what comes to mind for Figure 8.
–Line 406: Some folks (including me) may be interested in seeing a few references regarding how Pb-loss occurs in zircon at low-T…
–Line 477: Do McKanna et al. (2023) mention LA-ICPMS? I may have missed this…
–Lines 487-491: Consider noting possible avenues for future work that could further examine and resolve outstanding questions for improving accuracy for LA-ICPMS zircon geochronology. Couple/few things to mention/consider here: For folks that remain reluctant to plow ahead with bulk CA for DZ for provenance work, you might consider recommending alternative approaches, including follow-up/multiple LA-ICPMS spot analyses of targeted dates/populations of notable interest with respect to (possibly discriminating) source areas as an option. This has been done for DZ MDA work (e.g., Spencer et al., 2014, GSA Bulletin; Herriott et al., 2019)…not sure if this has been done for DZ provenance work (I don’t know that literature especially well). A similar approach could be to target a certain date range/population for follow-up with CA-ID-TIMS (e.g., Holland, Mohr, et al., GSA Connects 2022). And consider making a plug for the marked potential of CA-LA-ICPMS to be employed for DZ MDA work (see Donaghy, Eddy, et al., GSA Connects 2023)!
Citation: -
RC2: 'Reply on CC1', Marcel Guillong, 20 Sep 2023
Dear Trystan,
With interest I read your comments to this manuscript and I agree with most of your statements, however, one thing catched my attention:
"Our experience is that TA won’t solve all the potential challenges of LA-ICPMS zircon date offsets (e.g., Herriott et al., 2019, Geology), but the benefits of simple TA seems less likely to be burdened by some of the challenges of the full CA protocol (which can impact ablation behavior!) for LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon geochronology"
This seems to indicat that you observed ablation behavour change between a TA only zircon and an annealed and leached (CA) zircon. In my understanding the leaching only affects the not healed zircon crystal and inclusions and not the intact or due to TA healed zircon. So I do not see why the leaching should have an influence on the ablation behavior. Can explain your observations and share some insights or is there a Publication dealing with this?
Thank you,
MarcelCitation: -
CC2: 'Reply on RC2', Trystan Herriott, 20 Sep 2023
Marcel, thank you so much for this comment!
My only direct experience with regular LA-ICPMS vs. TA-LA-ICPMS is in Herriott et al. (2019, Geology). In that study we compared DZ results for two samples collected from the same bed (Figure 2, third panel from the top). One sample was a legacy result with typical LA-ICPMS data and the other was new TA-LA-ICPMS data. The comparison between the results is complicated for a variety of geologic and analytical reasons, but the TA-LA-ICPMS dates were improved overall in the sense that they were a bit older (and it was pretty clear we were having too-young “issues” with ICPMS dating). Our follow-up CA-ID-TIMS dating clearly documented a too-young bias even in TA-LA-ICPMS results for the tandem dated DZ; some logic would suggest that the LA-ICPMS dates would have had even more significant too-young offsets, but we did not have TIMS benchmarks for those results.
My comment that chemically abrading zircon can impact ablation behavior was somewhat conceptual in the sense that thermal annealing is (probably partially) structurally repairing radiation damage in zircon (which should be a good thing for microbeam dating) while the pre-treatment leaching step of full CA is chemically removing parts zircon that retain damage (just as a recent example, see McKanna et al., 2023). I think it’s fair to say that CA is likely to have varying impacts on references and unknowns such that, again conceptually, these variable responses to partial HF dissolution could result in increased variability in ablation behavior among references and unknowns. I have some concern that chemically abraded zircon may in some cases be porous or spongy or pitted (e.g., see Figure 10a of McKanna et al., 2023) and could cause some “issues” during laser ablation, if for no other reason than the aforementioned likelihood that responses to full CA will vary. I’m not sure how/where an LA-ICPMS spot could be placed on the zircon of the McKanna et al. figure noted above that would not have ablation behavior directly influenced by CA. However, the CA-LA-ICPMS studies of Q. Crowley et al. (2014) and von Quadt et al. (2014) and Ver Hoeve et al. (2018) generally report benefits for full CA for LA-ICPMS dating of zircon, as does this submission by Donaghy et al., although Ver Hoeve et al. (2018) did end up concluding that “Acid leaching of the annealed grains appears to have little effect on the ablation behaviour of the analyzed zircon beyond the effects of annealing.” So seems full CA isn’t always needed, which has significant implications for DZ studies because I think folks are going to be quite concerned about potentially losing entire zircon populations during bulk CA.
Digging a bit deeper, however, Q. Crowley et al. (2014) do note that “chemical abrasion of zircons affects their physical response to ablation, which in turn influences laser-induced fractionation.” But it turned out that “porous texture” on zircon post-CA led to perhaps diminished coupling with the laser, reducing spot pit depths and thus reducing downhole fractionation (see Figure 2 therein and associated discussion). That’s not necessarily where my intuition was leading me, but I’m also not a geochronologist. All of this makes me think of the comment by Sundell et al. (2021) that “variations in downhole fractionation and compositional heterogeneity are expected to become less important with shorter acquisition rates, which may also contribute to better analytical results in some cases.” Interesting!
I trust that Donaghy et al. may benefit from this exchange as much as I did. I also wanted to note that there are at least a couple of CA-SIMS studies of zircon that are relevant and could potentially be noted in the current submission: Kryza et al. (2012, Gondwana Research) and Watts et al. (2016, Chemical Geology).
Thanks again, and regards,
TrystanCitation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Erin Donaghy, 19 Dec 2023
We thank Marcel Guillong for their careful review and comments on this manuscript. In agreement with their comment (and others), we have changed the title of the manuscript to: Minimizing the effects of Pb-loss in detrital and igneous U-Pb zircon geochronology by CA-LA-ICP-MS. We believe this change better reflects the key findings of this study. Improved accuracy has been observed in analyses of chemically abraded igneous zircon (this study, von Quadt et al., 2014). Demonstrating this same improvement for detrital zircon is much more difficult given that we cannot re-date every analyzed zircon by a second method, like ID-TIMS. Instead, we have to infer that the detrital zircon will respond to chemical abrasion in the same manner as the igneous zircon and minimize the effects of Pb-loss. This should improve accuracy in detrital zircon measurements and lead to predictable changes in DZ spectra. Namely that age populations will sharpen and move toward slightly older dates as Pb-loss is mitigated. Zircon populations with high degrees of radiation damage may also be preferentially dissolved in the process and lead to changes in the relative importance of each age population. We did note some of these changes in the manuscript. To address the concern of the reviewer and to better quantify changes between treated and untreated detrital zircon aliquots, we have added several assessments of similarity between treated and untreated aliquots using DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016). Additionally, the proportion of grains within each age peak (% out of total for that sample) has been calculated and labeled in the revised manuscript. This comparative assessment of the DZ samples has helped quantify the changes in the heights and widths of peak age populations and has helped better frame our discussion of how CA affects detrital zircon age spectra.
In reference to the comment: “accuracy and precision of reference materials analyzed using CA and non CA seems not improved…”: We have also gone back through in the revised manuscript to clarify language in Section 3.1. Here, the reviewer’s main concern is that accuracy and precision of reference materials was not improved between treated and untreated aliquots. However, we note that we did not necessarily anticipate this would be the case, because reference materials used for U-Pb geochronology are dominantly concordant (i.e., Pb loss is rare or absent) and ‘well-behaved’, and these are reasons why they are chosen as reference materials in the first place. Instead, the main objective of analyzing all these reference materials after performing chemical abrasion was to demonstrate that the accuracy and precision of our U-Pb data would not be negatively affected, and hence that the dates from our unknows are reliable over a wide age range, We did, however, note some slight improvement in the U-Pb systematics of some reference materials, given that fewer analyses were discarded due to discordance. However, these materials were Proterozoic in age and are primarily used for their homogenous 207Pb/206Pb which is less sensitive to recent Pb-loss. Overall, the behavior between treated and untreated reference materials is similar, and thus the objective of these analyses (i.e., demonstrate our method does not negatively affect accuracy) was met. Again, this result is expected because reference materials are selected due to homogenous isotopic compositions and excellent behavior during analysis. For the purposes of this manuscript, these results demonstrate that chemical abrasion does not systematically bias our U-Pb results.
In reference to the comment that the “comparison for MIGU-02 is not entirely fair as for the CA about 150 zircons were used vs non CA only 35 grains being used…”: We acknowledge that there is a balance to be struck when deciding whether to utilize chemical abrasion prior to LA-ICP-MS analyses. For samples with significant radiation damage, there is always the possibility that the entire sample will dissolve. Running a high-n on highly damaged zircon might ultimately yield enough concordant analyses to make a confident age determination. However, the concordant analyses for our metamict igneous sample MIGU-02 were inaccurate by up to -11% for the 207Pb/206Pb dates and -21% for the 206Pb/238U dates. The chemically abraded aliquot didn’t have these issues. For many felsic igneous samples zircon yields are not an issue, so performing the CA treatment on many crystals–even if the majority dissolve–as a means to optimize analytical time on the LA-ICPMS and enhance accuracy is, in our experience, a worthwhile approach. We think that chemical abrasion’s efficacy at reducing Pb-loss, its relative ease and low cost in the laboratory, and the possibility of optimizing ‘beam time’ by only focusing on those grains that will yield concordant results, make it a worthwhile step in U-Pb zircon analyses by LA-ICP-MS. However, we will better acknowledge the potential drawbacks for samples with high degrees of radiation damage in the revised manuscript.
To address the comment on how CA may impact laser coupling with the zircon (line 73-74), new optical profilometry data was collected to quantify the depth and shape of laser ablation pits in treated and untreated grains, and will be incorporated into the revised version of this manuscript. This will help us better understand how CA influences laser coupling and ablation rates between treated and untreated aliquots. Although zircons are mounted and polished, Crowley et al. (2014) and McKanna et al. (2023) shows that chemical etching and 3D porous texture can occur throughout the zircon crystal interior.
A few notes on addressing inaccurate wording: We agree with the reviewer and in accordance to their comment to avoid use of the term standard when referring to reference materials, we went back and removed any language using the term standard. Also in accordance with the statement that rank order plots are not ranked, we revised all rank order plots to be ranked by age (youngest to oldest) in Figure 2 and all supplementary material of reference materials. TE concentrations and how these respond to the CA treatment are beyond the scope of this study, so we implemented no changes here, as we do not have the necessary data to address it.
Other Figure/Line revisions:
Figure 3A. Scaling changed to better display ellipses. If we were to plot the discarded analyses, then no detail would be observed. This would make it hard to see any detail in the concordant analyses.
Figure 4, 8, and 9: How was the U concentration quantified.
Uranium concentrations, as reported in our original submission, were semiquantitative, calculated using simple standard-sample bracketing relative to the average U concentrations for our primary reference material. Quantification of trace element concentrations using LA-ICPMS are rigorously done using internal normalization relative to a stoichiometric element (e.g., Zr or Si), but we were not able to do this with our method. This was because measuring isotopes in the Zr or Si mass range would have required a magnet jump with the Element2, which would significantly slow down our analyses. The reviewers are correct that this should be better explained, so in our revised manuscript we have included additional clarifications about our analytical method and the reason why quantification was not done using an internal standard. Furthermore, because the U concentrations we reported in our original manuscript were not strictly quantitative, and the CA treatment of reference materials has the potential to skew the semiquantitative calculations originally performed, we have modified our manuscript to avoid the use of U concentrations in the text and figures. We now base our observations on the 238U cps for each analysis, reported after performing a simple inter-session normalization for instrumental sensitivity. We explain this procedure in greater detail in the revised manuscript, but in brief: we note that the 238U cps of our SL crystal were very homogeneous between and within runs of treated and untreated aliquots, so we used these as reference to normalize the cps of 238U for all sessions. By removing minor variations in sensitivity using this simple approach, we now focus our discussion on the effects of chemical abrasion as a function of 238U cps rather than U concentration. While this approach does not affect our general conclusions, it does resolve two key issues: i) removes the need to build our discussion around U concentrations, as these were not determined quantitatively; ii) removes possible inaccuracies introduced by the effects that chemical abrasion of reference materials can have on U (semiquantitative) concentrations calculated by simple standard-sample bracketing.
Figure 5 and 6: We have added in the proportion of analyzed grains (out of total) that comprise the age populations to these two figures and quantified similarity between the treated and untreated aliquots using DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016).
Line 350: This was a type-o. Thank you for catching this mistake! It has been corrected in the revised version to 207Pb/206Pb age.
CC2: 'Reply on RC2', Trystan Herriott, 20 Sep 2023
AC4: 'Reply on CC1', Erin Donaghy, 19 Dec 2023
We thank Trystan Herriott for his thoughtful comments and suggestions on this manuscript. We agree with Trystan and will provide a more detailed discussion on the impact of matrix effects on uncertainties for LA-ICP-MS analyses. To aid in this discussion, we plan to collect new zircon profilometry data to assess the differences in pit depths between treated and untreated aliquots of FC1, R33, and MIGU-02. This will help us understand how laser coupling and ablation rates may be impacted between treated and untreated aliquots. We will also add an additional section to the introduction to address the significance of Pb-loss in different high-T/low-T conditions.
We also agree with Trystan (and other reviewers) for the need of more quantitative comparison of treated and untreated detrital zircon aliquots. We have added several assessments of similarity between treated and untreated aliquots using DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016) and have calculated the percentage of total grains comprising peak age populations for treated and untreated aliquots. These new comparative assessments have helped quantify the changes in peak shape (height, width) between treated and untreated aliquots and have been incorporated into the discussion of the revised manuscript. Please see other referee comment replies for additional details.
We will add in some final statements in the conclusions section addressing future work related to this method. This will focus on the need for future testing and more analyses to better understand how CA impacts the youngest detrital zircon peak age populations and potentials for improving maximum depositional age (MDA) calculations.
Line by line comments:
Line 36: We will mention the importance of MDA calculations from detrital zircon analyses in the introduction. The importance of MDA calculations and how CA-LA-ICP-MS can potentially improve these calculations will also be outlined in the conclusions.
Table 1/Figure 1: We will double check to make sure all appropriate CA-ID-TIMS vs. ID-TIMS superscripts were used in Table 1 and make sure they are properly labeled in Figure 1.
RC2: 'Reply on CC1', Marcel Guillong, 20 Sep 2023
RC1: 'Comment on gchron-2023-20', Marcel Guillong, 20 Sep 2023
The application of the CA protocol for Zircons prior to dating, successfully introduced to high precision ID-TIMS dating is increasingly also tested and applied in less precise LA-ICP-MS methods. This manuscript uses the CA method successfully on a igneous Zircons with high Pb loss and on 2 DZ samples. While the improvement in the igneous sample is substantial and well documented the improvement on DZ is less obvious and needs better investigation or clarification. On 13 different zircon reference materials, all having minimal to no Pb loss there is no real improvement but also no obvious offset introduced using the CA treatment. Effect (matrix effects) of thermal annealing and leaching might be smaller than the general uncertainty that is associated with U-Pb dating of Zircons by LA-ICP-MS, but a better understanding and further investigations are desirable in this field but likely beyond the scope of this manuscript.
Main points to consider:
The title is kind of misleading. Consider a different title:
e.g. “Increased date accuracy and precision in Pb loss affected igneous and detrital zircons using CA-LA-ICPMS”
Accuracy and precision of reference materials analysed using CA and non CA seems not improved. Accuracy and precision is only improved if Pb loss occurred due to radiation damage of the zircon crystal structure ore high amount of common Pb rich inclusion were analysed. See also comment to Figure 1.
Some wording is inaccurate:
Rank order plots are not ranked. (Also, in the supplementary.)
Avoiding the use of the term standards when referring to reference materials.( ) there are no zircon standards, only zircon reference materials change all “standards” to reference material (RM).CA changes the mean measured TE concentrations in strong metamict samples as MIGU-02. Please mention that after CA no representative or accurate TE composition can be analysed in these Zircons.
While I agree that for strongly metamict Zircons CA improves precision and accuracy, the comparison for MIGU-02 is not entirely fair as for the CA about 150 zircons were used (80-85 % completely dissolved 23 analysed) vs non CA only 35 grains were analysed. If you would analyse 150 non CA Zircons (same number as were initially used in the CA experiment) you would get 4-5 times more “good”, concordant analyses.
In the end it is the user who has to make a decision to do CA or not: if you have separated 150 Zircons from a strongly metamict sample, there is also a chance of not only dissolve 80-85% as in the presented example but 90-99% and when all zircons are dissolved, there is nothing left to analyse. If the pb loss occurred at one specific age and the common Pb is not too much a problem it is possible to get (not ideal) age information from 150 non concordant pb loss affected analyses. This possibility should be mentioned / discussed.Figure 1: All investigated RM show no improvement of CA analyses over non CA analyses with respect to precision and accuracy. Uncertainties and age offsets are very similar.
Figure 2 this is not a rank order plot as the data seems not ranked. If it is ranked, please indicate ranked by what (normally ranked order plots are ranked by the date)
Figure 3A. choose different scaling so that the ellipses are better visibel. Consider to also plot the discarded analyses, to show the effect of Pb loss (+ comm Pb).
Figure 4, 8 and 9: Generally, how was the U concentration quantified? With internal standard? Semiquantitative? With which RM? Is the RM homogeneous in U?
Figure 5 and 6: To show the differences in DZ between CA and non CA seems quite qualitatively, and partly inconclusive: in Rora Med, the 2120 peak seems broader than with no CA where there are two well resolved peaks at 2115 and 2190. Which is the opposite of what the authors describe (CA makes peak sharper and more resolved). Overall, the improvement arguments are quite weak, except the clearly better concordance which is definitively an advantage.
Is there an explanation, why in Sample Rora Med peak hights in for 1890 and 2100-2200 inverse between CA and non CA? With the high number of analysed zircons (n=1000) this should not be the case? Is the 1890 peak much more metamict (rather not, no peak shift indication or younging due to Pb loss (as nicely shown for the 2675 peak). As Suggested by Trystan Herriott a quantitative approach comparing the two DZ spectra could help.Figure 9: would scaling the x axis logarithmic improve readability? Interestingly in Rora Med the CA sample seems to have higher U content, in contrast to the finding in the igneous MIGU-02 sample. Could this be a quantification artefact from the heterogenous RM?
Line 73-74: Annealing zircons heals the crystal structure making the ablation rate little smaller then without annealing (see e.g.: Sialer et al 2016:, Solari 2015,, and others see comment by Trystan Herriott) In my experience the acid etching itself has little to no influence on the ablation behaviour in comparison to thermal annealing only, as the zircons were mounted and polished?
Line 187-189: the scatter in age offset is not improved by CA but generally for Proterozoic and Archean aliquots.
Line 350: Are you sure it’s a 207Pb/238U age? (Rather a typo)
Line 354-355: There is no improvement shown in precision and accuracy for 13 RM, so a general statement that CA improves precision and accuracy in LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon analyses is not correct. Accuracy and precision is improved when there is Pb loss and possibly common Pb in inclusions that is not excluded during data reduction.
Tables: e.g. S14 please provide data in a way that it can be easy accessed by the interested reader for plotting etc. (e.g. excel file)
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on RC1', Erin Donaghy, 19 Dec 2023
We thank Marcel Guillong for their careful review and comments on this manuscript. In agreement with their comment (and others), we have changed the title of the manuscript to: Minimizing the effects of Pb-loss in detrital and igneous U-Pb zircon geochronology by CA-LA-ICP-MS. We believe this change better reflects the key findings of this study. Improved accuracy has been observed in analyses of chemically abraded igneous zircon (this study, von Quadt et al., 2014). Demonstrating this same improvement for detrital zircon is much more difficult given that we cannot re-date every analyzed zircon by a second method, like ID-TIMS. Instead, we have to infer that the detrital zircon will respond to chemical abrasion in the same manner as the igneous zircon and minimize the effects of Pb-loss. This should improve accuracy in detrital zircon measurements and lead to predictable changes in DZ spectra. Namely that age populations will sharpen and move toward slightly older dates as Pb-loss is mitigated. Zircon populations with high degrees of radiation damage may also be preferentially dissolved in the process and lead to changes in the relative importance of each age population. We did note some of these changes in the manuscript. To address the concern of the reviewer and to better quantify changes between treated and untreated detrital zircon aliquots, we have added several assessments of similarity between treated and untreated aliquots using DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016). Additionally, the proportion of grains within each age peak (% out of total for that sample) has been calculated and labeled in the revised manuscript. This comparative assessment of the DZ samples has helped quantify the changes in the heights and widths of peak age populations and has helped better frame our discussion of how CA affects detrital zircon age spectra.
In reference to the comment: “accuracy and precision of reference materials analyzed using CA and non CA seems not improved…”: We have also gone back through in the revised manuscript to clarify language in Section 3.1. Here, the reviewer’s main concern is that accuracy and precision of reference materials was not improved between treated and untreated aliquots. However, we note that we did not necessarily anticipate this would be the case, because reference materials used for U-Pb geochronology are dominantly concordant (i.e., Pb loss is rare or absent) and ‘well-behaved’, and these are reasons why they are chosen as reference materials in the first place. Instead, the main objective of analyzing all these reference materials after performing chemical abrasion was to demonstrate that the accuracy and precision of our U-Pb data would not be negatively affected, and hence that the dates from our unknows are reliable over a wide age range, We did, however, note some slight improvement in the U-Pb systematics of some reference materials, given that fewer analyses were discarded due to discordance. However, these materials were Proterozoic in age and are primarily used for their homogenous 207Pb/206Pb which is less sensitive to recent Pb-loss. Overall, the behavior between treated and untreated reference materials is similar, and thus the objective of these analyses (i.e., demonstrate our method does not negatively affect accuracy) was met. Again, this result is expected because reference materials are selected due to homogenous isotopic compositions and excellent behavior during analysis. For the purposes of this manuscript, these results demonstrate that chemical abrasion does not systematically bias our U-Pb results.
In reference to the comment that the “comparison for MIGU-02 is not entirely fair as for the CA about 150 zircons were used vs non CA only 35 grains being used…”: We acknowledge that there is a balance to be struck when deciding whether to utilize chemical abrasion prior to LA-ICP-MS analyses. For samples with significant radiation damage, there is always the possibility that the entire sample will dissolve. Running a high-n on highly damaged zircon might ultimately yield enough concordant analyses to make a confident age determination. However, the concordant analyses for our metamict igneous sample MIGU-02 were inaccurate by up to -11% for the 207Pb/206Pb dates and -21% for the 206Pb/238U dates. The chemically abraded aliquot didn’t have these issues. For many felsic igneous samples zircon yields are not an issue, so performing the CA treatment on many crystals–even if the majority dissolve–as a means to optimize analytical time on the LA-ICPMS and enhance accuracy is, in our experience, a worthwhile approach. We think that chemical abrasion’s efficacy at reducing Pb-loss, its relative ease and low cost in the laboratory, and the possibility of optimizing ‘beam time’ by only focusing on those grains that will yield concordant results, make it a worthwhile step in U-Pb zircon analyses by LA-ICP-MS. However, we will better acknowledge the potential drawbacks for samples with high degrees of radiation damage in the revised manuscript.
To address the comment on how CA may impact laser coupling with the zircon (line 73-74), new optical profilometry data was collected to quantify the depth and shape of laser ablation pits in treated and untreated grains, and will be incorporated into the revised version of this manuscript. This will help us better understand how CA influences laser coupling and ablation rates between treated and untreated aliquots. Although zircons are mounted and polished, Crowley et al. (2014) and McKanna et al. (2023) shows that chemical etching and 3D porous texture can occur throughout the zircon crystal interior.
A few notes on addressing inaccurate wording: We agree with the reviewer and in accordance to their comment to avoid use of the term standard when referring to reference materials, we went back and removed any language using the term standard. Also in accordance with the statement that rank order plots are not ranked, we revised all rank order plots to be ranked by age (youngest to oldest) in Figure 2 and all supplementary material of reference materials. TE concentrations and how these respond to the CA treatment are beyond the scope of this study, so we implemented no changes here, as we do not have the necessary data to address it.
Other Figure/Line revisions:
Figure 3A. Scaling changed to better display ellipses. If we were to plot the discarded analyses, then no detail would be observed. This would make it hard to see any detail in the concordant analyses.
Figure 4, 8, and 9: How was the U concentration quantified.
Uranium concentrations, as reported in our original submission, were semiquantitative, calculated using simple standard-sample bracketing relative to the average U concentrations for our primary reference material. Quantification of trace element concentrations using LA-ICPMS are rigorously done using internal normalization relative to a stoichiometric element (e.g., Zr or Si), but we were not able to do this with our method. This was because measuring isotopes in the Zr or Si mass range would have required a magnet jump with the Element2, which would significantly slow down our analyses. The reviewers are correct that this should be better explained, so in our revised manuscript we have included additional clarifications about our analytical method and the reason why quantification was not done using an internal standard. Furthermore, because the U concentrations we reported in our original manuscript were not strictly quantitative, and the CA treatment of reference materials has the potential to skew the semiquantitative calculations originally performed, we have modified our manuscript to avoid the use of U concentrations in the text and figures. We now base our observations on the 238U cps for each analysis, reported after performing a simple inter-session normalization for instrumental sensitivity. We explain this procedure in greater detail in the revised manuscript, but in brief: we note that the 238U cps of our SL crystal were very homogeneous between and within runs of treated and untreated aliquots, so we used these as reference to normalize the cps of 238U for all sessions. By removing minor variations in sensitivity using this simple approach, we now focus our discussion on the effects of chemical abrasion as a function of 238U cps rather than U concentration. While this approach does not affect our general conclusions, it does resolve two key issues: i) removes the need to build our discussion around U concentrations, as these were not determined quantitatively; ii) removes possible inaccuracies introduced by the effects that chemical abrasion of reference materials can have on U (semiquantitative) concentrations calculated by simple standard-sample bracketing.
Figure 5 and 6: We have added in the proportion of analyzed grains (out of total) that comprise the age populations to these two figures and quantified similarity between the treated and untreated aliquots using DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016).
Line 350: This was a type-o. Thank you for catching this mistake! It has been corrected in the revised version to 207Pb/206Pb age.
AC3: 'Reply on RC1', Erin Donaghy, 19 Dec 2023
RC3: 'Comment on gchron-2023-20', David M. Chew, 29 Sep 2023
I enjoyed reading this paper by Donaghy and colleagues. It is well written and topical – CA-ID-TIMS has transformed U-Pb zircon dating of magmatic systems but the amount of LA-ICP-MS studies applying this pre-treatment it is very small, while large n datasets are becoming increasingly common. My review was last in, and I wrote it independently of the other reviewer comments and then took a quick look at what they had to say.
Substantive comments (in no particular order)
- I also had qualms about the title. In the reference material dataset there is no real improvement in precision and accuracy, although that is not that surprising given that age reference materials tend to be well behaved and not affected by significant Pb loss. There is a clear improvement in precision and accuracy for the granitoid MIGU-02 sample which has metamict zircon with significant Pb loss – Marcel Guillong’s rewording of the title is a very good suggestion.
- I would like to see something about pit depths. When undertaking LA-ICP-MS on igneous samples with moderate to high metamictization (old, high U or both), you can sometimes have a population with a reasonably coherent 207Pb/206Pb age, but strong scatter on Wetherill concordia defining a regression with both normal and reverse discordance but intersecting concordia at approximately the 207Pb/206Pb age. Individual analyses when you look at portions of the time-resolved signal (e.g. using VizualAge in Iolite) also show this. I’m sure at least some of the discordance we see in LA-ICP-MS U-Pb metamict zircon data is down to variable pit depths which results in differing downhole fractionation from that of the primary. Pit depths for the MIGU-02 sample would be interesting, in addition to comparing U with age (Fig. 4)
- It is claimed that the CA treatment results in i) more defined and slightly older 206Pb/238 age peaks and slightly older 207Pb/206Pb age peaks and ii) you do not see any selective dissolution of high U grains. But the Rosa Mera sample (which is large n) shows more than just those effects for point i). The non-CA population at 1890 Ma in Fig. 5 is much larger than the corresponding CA peak; conversely the non-CA population from 2115 – 2190 Ma becomes much bigger following CA treatment. This needs discussion, and the % of grains (out of the total) defining each peak should be labelled and it definitely warrants further statistical treatment as suggested by both other reviewers. Ii) I agree with the authors (lines 429-443) in that many high U grains are selectively removed during transport and mineral separation so source populations (such as the highly metamict grains in the MIGU-02 sample would not figure prominently) but even in Figure 9A (NM8A) the CA grains never exceed 2000 ppm and rarely 1500 ppm; for the > 1Ga population the effect is as expected more pronounced.
- This all seems very time consuming. Would CA-ID-TIMS work on an unpicked zircon separate (non-magnetic, >3.3 g/cm3 fraction)? Which might have pyrite and other stuff in there – would the acid dissolution remove other phases meaning you could pick after CA from a cleaner separate?
- I agree with the effect of xenocrystic inheritance being a potential reason for older ages in the young (Mesozoic – Cenozoic) dataset in Figure 1. But it does merit a little more elaboration. When dating zircon samples by CA-ID-TIMS, routinely the youngest concordant population with no obvious Pb loss is selected, and marginally older grains are attributed as antecrysts (probably up to several hundred ka older) or xenocrysts from slightly earlier magma batches (100s of ka to maybe 1 or 2 Ma older). In LA-ICP-MS we probably just present a weighted mean date. Make it explicitly clear this effect (a shift towards older ages by 100s of ka to maybe 1 or 2 Ma) becomes less important (as a % bias) with time. Secondly – the 91500 zircon data are a conspicuous outlier for the older age data. Is this the original 91500 crystal or the new commercially available one – I have seen unpublished TIMS data from the latter showing it has minor Pb loss. Just specify which it is, if known.
Minor comments
Figure 1 – can you add average U contents for each reference material?
Section 2.2 Add fluence on sample, repetition rate and total amount of shots. How are the U contents calculated by the way? Are they normalized to an internal elemental standard (Zi or Si)?
L152 ‘Round robin’ in laboratory analyses commonly means an inter-laboratory proficiency or comparison test. I wasn’t entirely sure what it meant in this context.
L164 At start of the paragraph, reword to “The weighted mean dates…”
Figure 2 and line 221 – there is a discrepancy between the n value (35 on figure; 20 in line 221)
The grid linework on Figure 4 and Figure 10 is too heavy; it should be more like Figure 9
Kind regards
David Chew
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC3', Erin Donaghy, 19 Dec 2023
We thank David Chew for their careful review and comments on this manuscript. We address each bullet point in the original review below:
- In agreement with this comment (and others), we have changed the title of the manuscript to: Minimizing the effects of Pb-loss in detrital and igneous U-Pb zircon geochronology by CA-LA-ICP-MS. We believe this change better reflects the key findings of this study (see Marcel Guillong’s comment/reply).
- In reference to the comment on seeing data on pit depths for treated versus untreated aliquots: We are currently collecting new zircon profilometry data of treated and untreated aliquots of MIGU-02, FC1, and R33 to see how pit depths vary. This new data will be incorporated into the revised version of this manuscript to better assess how CA impacts laser coupling and ablation rates between treated and untreated aliquots. We think it is an excellent suggestion to compare the pit depths of treated and untreated MIGU-02 zircons with their age, 238U cps, and concordance.
- We have completed a more quantitative assessment of detrital zircon age populations between treated and untreated aliquots of Rora Med and NM8A. We used DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016) to calculate similarity, cross-correlation, and likeness values. Additionally, we agree with the reviewer’s suggestion to calculate the percent of grains (out of the total) defining each peak. These will be labeled on revised Figures 5 and 6 and the new quantitative assessment will be incorporated into discussion of how CA impacts peak height and width.
In regard to the reviewer’s comment on CA selectively dissolving high U grains with reference to the 1890 peak age population of Rora Med: To address this comment, we wanted to better quantify the decrease in peak height from the treated to the untreated aliquot and compare U concentrations associated with this peak age population. The total percent of zircons making up the 1890 peak age population in the untreated aliquot of Rora Med is ~7.4% compared to a decrease to ~3% of total grains in the treated aliquot. This decrease correlates to the observed change in peak height on Fig. 5. To determine if CA preferentially dissolved zircons of high U associated with this peak age population in the treated aliquot, in our revised manuscript we now compare the 238U cps between treated and untreated aliquots. As discussed in the response to reviewer Guillong’s comments, in our revised version we modify the way in which U is discussed, avoiding calculated U concentrations and focusing on sensitivity-normalized 238U cps. Doing this better elucidates the effects that chemical abrasion had on Rora Med, as follows:
We updated Figure 9 to compare the 238U cps between treated and untreated aliquots of Rora Med (and NM8A). In the updated version, the treated aliquot of Rora Med has overall lower 238U cps values compared to the untreated aliquot of Rora Med. This difference is especially noticeable for the 1800-2000 Ma and the 2600-2800 Ma age populations. For example, in the untreated aliquot, there are 70 grains associated with the 1880-1900 Ma age population. About 33% of the grains between 1880-1900 Ma make up the highest 238U cps values (238U cps > 2,171,019) for the entire aliquot, but these grains only represent ~2.5% of the total aliquot (23/920 grains). In contrast, there are a total of 33 grains in the treated aliquot for this age population, and ~42% of zircons (14 total grains) in the 1880-1900 Ma age population make up the highest 238U cps values (238U cps > 1,355,272). This represents ~3% of all zircons in the treated aliquot (14/1035 grains). Overall, there are significantly less zircon grains of the 1880-1900 Ma age population in the treated aliquot, and the overall 238U cps values are lower. This difference is likely due to mitigation of Pb-loss in the treated aliquot, but overall, the range of U values associated with the 1890 peak age population in both treated and untreated aliquots suggests that CA does not selectively dissolve only high U grains.
- In this study, the separates that were bulk chemically abraded were 100% zircon. However, author Donaghy has implemented this method on detrital zircon samples for other research and has used separates that were ~85-90% zircon. The acid dissolution does effectively remove the other mineral phases and leaves a sample that is 100% zircon.
- We agree with the reviewer’s suggestion here to add in more discussion on the presence of xenocrysts and antecrysts and their effect on how they shift the calculated age from the reference age (scatter in Figure 1; % difference from reference age). As suggested by this reviewer and others, we will draft a new figure that shows the % bias for each run of treated and untreated aliquots of the 13 reference materials. This figure will highlight reduced scatter in CA aliquots. With respect to the 91500 crystal, the aliquot we used was obtained from the International Association of Geoanalysts ( so we believe its origin is robust. That said, in past research, the 91500 reference material has shown substantial negative age offset (Gehrels et al., 2008; Schoene et al., 2014), but the origin of these offsets has remained enigmatic. So, while the offset in this study is not entirely surprising, we expanded our discussion to briefly highlight this on our revised manuscript.
Minor Comments:
Figure 1: We have modified our approach re. reporting U (see response to reviewer Guillong), and U concentrations are no longer used in the text or figures.
Section 2.2: We will add in the fluence on each sample, including the repetition rate and total amount of shots for the LA-ICP-MS methods.
Line 152: We will add in more language in the methods section outlining the term ‘round robin’ in context of analysis setup for this study.
Line 164: We made suggested change from “the dates of CA and non-CA…” to “the weighted mean dates…”.
Figure 2 and Line 221 – Reviewer caught a type-o in the n-value listed in Figure 2 compared to the correct value written in line 221. Figure 2 listed the wrong total number of analyses (n=35 versus n=20). Figure 2 was changed in the revised figure and no other changes were necessary as calculations were based off a n=20 value.
The grid lines in Figure 4 and Figure 10 will be modified to be a lighter weight and reflect the appearance of Figure 9.
RC4: 'Comment on gchron-2023-20', Matthew Horstwood, 01 Nov 2023
Publisher’s note: the supplement to this comment was edited on 21 November 2023. The adjustments were minor without effect on the scientific meaning.
Review of Donaghy et al – Increased accuracy and precision in igneous and detrital zircon geochronology using CA-LA-ICPMS.
The authors look to demonstrate improved accuracy and precision of U-Pb data acquired utilising a chemical abrasion sample preparation method, compared to laser ablation analysis without using this. I have provided comments in the attached pdf, but some key points are:
- Please state the uncertainty level in all figures (including supplementary).
- Uncertainties should be quoted to 2 significant figures with ages/ratios/values quoted to the same number of decimal places as the uncertainty.
- MSWD’s should be quoted to 2 significant figures
- Please provide a metadata table for the LA-ICP-MS work (and ideally ID-TIMS also).
- What reference values were used for FC-1 as the primary reference material?
- Imaging and targeting to avoid zonation/inclusions/xenocrysts, especially in the younger zircons, may have avoided some of the issues discussed. For balance, the usefulness of imaging for this purpose could be mentioned.
- Resolution of concordance is mentioned a lot with CA stated as improving concordance and resolution of concordance. However, it is equally stated that the same accuracy is achieved between CA’d and non-CA’d datasets. Illustration of this discussion would be much easier if the bias of the reference materials was tabulated in the manuscript since this is the fundamental premise of the paper. Taking the biases quoted in the supplementary plots, it can be seen (in the review figures provided to the editor) that the bias and pattern of both treated and untreated runs are equivalent.
Note the negative bias for 91500 might be accounted for by using CA’d reference values from (Schoene et al 2006 or Horstwood et al 2016) rather than the non-CA values (Wiedenbeck et al 1995). (I have also provided the spreadsheet with the data for these plots and a commented manuscript pdf, please ask the editor for these.)
These plots highlight the reduced scatter in the CA data whilst not changing the overall bias. Plotting the data another way, as the average bias between runs 1 & 2 for CA’d and non-CA’d aliquots, highlights the similarity in bias between the two data sets. In this example then, CA doesn’t appear to improve concordancy (since the bias isnt changing at the +/-1% level), but is improving scatter.
In this respect, CA can probably be said to be improving the resolution of concordancy, however, stated in the way of the manuscript, this assertion is unquantified. The language around ‘improved resolution and precision’ is very loose and should be tightened with better quantification using the data acquired. This would be aided by being able to link the analyses to the nature of the material targeted but I appreciate this wasn’t the approach taken. However, when looking at ‘resolution’ of detrital zircon spectra, knowing that some of the many analyses were not straddling age zones would be important, so that the shape and resolution of the age peak can be quantified and compared with another, by reducing the ‘baseline’ of potentially mixed measurements. In the absence of being able to do this, perhaps a different form of words or better explanation of some of the constraints on peak shape and dispersion might be useful, followed by described quantification of these. The outcome would be more supportive of the authors arguments for improvements resulting from CA-LA-ICPMS.
AC5: 'Reply on RC4', Erin Donaghy, 19 Dec 2023
We thank Matthew Horstwood for their careful review and comments on this manuscript.
- ‘Please state the uncertainty level in all figures’: We will add the uncertainty levels to all figures/supplementary materials in the revised manuscript.
- Uncertainties and MSWDs will be quoted to 2 significant figures with the ages/ratios/values quoted to the same 2 significant figures.
- All metadata tables for the LAICPMS and IDTIMS results will be included in our revised version.
- The reference values used for FC-1 are the CA-ID-TIMS results of Ibañez-Mejia and Tissot (2019), which were obtained using material from the same outcrop as that used for this LA-ICPMS study. We have clarified this in the revised manuscript.
- ‘Imaging and targeting to avoid zonation/inclusions/xenocrysts..’: Although CL imaging was used for all samples in this study, we will add in a more detailed discussion on the usefulness of CL imaging during LA-ICP-MS zircon analysis to avoid inclusions/xenocrysts/zoning.
- We appreciate the drafted figures and recommendation for tabulating the % bias of the treated and untreated aliquots of reference materials to compare. This is an excellent recommendation and we will incorporate this suggestion as an additional figure and provide a more detailed discussion in the revised text on how CA is reducing the scatter while not changing the overall % bias. Additionally, we will tighten up vague language surrounding statements such as ‘improved resolution and precision’ and ‘CA improving the resolution of concordancy’. We will provide a better discussion on how we are defining these terms, and with new comparative assessments of treated and untreated aliquots, will be able to better quantify these changes in the discussion.
- In regards to the comment on quantifying the shape and resolution of peak age populations in detrital zircon samples: We have completed a more quantitative assessment of detrital zircon age populations between treated and untreated aliquots of Rora Med and NM8A. We used DZStats (Saylor and Sundell, 2016) to calculate similarity, cross-correlation, and likeness values. Additionally, we calculated the percent of grains (out of the total) defining each peak to better quantify how peak heights and widths vary between treated and untreated aliquots. These will be labeled on revised Figures 5 and 6 and the new quantitative assessment will be incorporated into discussion of how CA impacts peak height and width. Please see comment reply to Chew and Guillong.
Peer review completion





