Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
07 May 2020
Research article |  | 07 May 2020

Extended-range luminescence dating of quartz and alkali feldspar from aeolian sediments in the eastern Mediterranean

Galina Faershtein, Naomi Porat, and Ari Matmon

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Cited articles

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Amit, R., Enzel, Y., Crouvi, O., Simhai, O., Matmon, A., Porat, N., McDonald, E., and Gillespie, A. R.: The role of the Nile in initiating a massive dust influx to the Negev late in the middle Pleistocene, Bulletin, 123, 873–889, 2011. 
Short summary
Optically stimulated luminescence dates the last exposure of quartz and feldspar minerals to sunlight. We investigated its sub-methods (TT-OSL, VSL, and pIRIR) to date middle and early Pleistocene sediments. Inspection of natural signals of samples can reveal saturated samples that produce only minimum ages. Using these sub-methods, minimum ages of up to the early Pleistocene can be obtained for eastern Mediterranean aeolian sediments of Nilotic origin.